Tools / Shave Horse & Work Bench

Shave Horse
This shave horse has a hard maple base and a pine seat. It is
traditionally used in chairmaking for holding green wood while
shaping it with hand tools such as a drawknife or spoke shave.
Many chair makers use them as a great source for holding wood
whether you are making a Windsor chair, a ladder-back chair,
or a stick chair. The head has a rubber insert for gripping
the wood and the deck is lined with hide it all knocks
down for ease of transport if needed. Includes the aluminum
adjuster from plate 11 bench Co.
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Work Bench
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Benchcrafted screw + $160.00
Built in bevel gauge + $170.00
Acer ferrous screw + $220.00
Standard features included:
Standard german leg vise screw
Crubber jaw liner from bencrafted
Split top gap stop
Plenty of hold fast holes (hold fasts not included)
Wooden leg vise guide with locking pin
Standard size is 32" x 30"
Top 4" thick
31½" high, made from solid maple
You will find a wide variety of turnings for sale to make Windsor
chairs. There are several different styles of legs, stretchers back
posts and spindles to purchase. Please take a minute to browses to
see if there are any you like. If interested in purchasing, please
call or email me a list of the part numbers for my review. The turnings
can be purchased several different ways. Please go to the price list
to see what's right for you. Custom turnings are available upon request.
All turnings come in maple and some are available in cherry and oak in
limited quantities.
Turnings Price List



Side Stretchers

Center Stretchers

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