Tools & Supplies
Seat Blanks
Welcome chairmakers! Sourcing quality chair making materials can be
difficult. I am now offering eastern white pine seat blanks as a service
to other chairmakers. All blanks are completely air dried for a minimum
of 16-17 months before they are for sale. Air-dried seats carve a little
nicer than kiln-dried and are less brittle. I purchase these as 9/4" thick
x 21" wide by various lengths. I then cut them 8' to 10' long that allows
me to make a neat, level and elevated air-drying stack, which is covered
with metal roofing, then the ends are double sealed with anchor seal. The
material is purchased from a mill in Maine and stored on our family
property in Maine which is then air dried for one year, allowing me to
transport them 300 miles home to Connecticut at a much lighter weight.
Once home, I then re-stack the blanks outdoors for a few more months before
bringing them into the shop for the last couple months and then they are
finally ready for my use or for sale.
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Hard Maple Turning Blanks
KD hard maple turning blanks bought from a mill that makes
them from the butt ends of logs that are too short to be sold as nominal
lumber. They are not riven but are just as straight as blanks sawn with
the grain on a bandsaw mill or baseball bat rejects. They’ve already been
rounded to a 2" diameter and are ready to be turned saving you time and
waste. Sold in three different quantities for either an arm chair, a
bow-back, hoop-back, or a fan-back side chair. Each box contains 1 extra
blank for practice.
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Chair Maker's Drill Stops
The Chair Maker's Drill Stops are available in a 6 piece set with the following sizes:
- 5/16"
- 3/8"
- 7/16"
- 1/2"
- 9/16"
- 5/8"
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11 Degree Reamer and Related Tools
This 11-degree reamer will help you achieve a strong
chair joint with ease. This tool is all steel and comes
with 9/16" & 3/8" pilots. We also offer a coupler
and reaming helpers.
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6 Degree Reamer and Related Tools
This 6-degree reamer will help you achieve a strong
chair joint with ease. This tool is all steel and comes
with 9/16" and 1/2" pilots. We also offer a coupler and reaming
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Milk Paint
Sold in individual bags and each bag makes 1 pint of paint.
Stocking most of the common colors used on Windsor Chairs.
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Shave Horse
Work Bench
Standard features included:
- Standard german leg vise screw
- Crubber jaw liner from bencrafted
- Split top gap stop
- Plenty of hold fast holes (hold fasts not included)
- Wooden leg vise guide with locking pin
Standard size is 32" x 30"
Top 4" thick
31 1/2" high, made from solid maple
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You will find a wide variety of turnings for sale to make Windsor
chairs. There are several different styles of legs, stretchers back
posts and spindles to purchase. Please take a minute to browses to
see if there are any you like. If interested in purchasing, please
call or email me a list of the part numbers for my review. The turnings
can be purchased several different ways. Please go to the price list
to see what's right for you. Custom turnings are available upon request.
All turnings come in maple and some are available in cherry and oak in
limited quantities.
Turnings Price List



Side Stretchers

Center Stretchers

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