Tools / Turnings
Product Description
You will find a wide variety of turnings for sale to make Windsor chairs. There are several different styles of legs, stretchers back posts and spindles to purchase. Please take a minute to browses to see if there are any you like. If interested in purchasing, please call or email me a list of the part numbers for my review. The turnings can be purchased several different ways. Please go to the price list to see what's right for you. Custom turnings are available upon request. All turnings come in maple and some are available in cherry and oak in limited quantities.
Turnings - Legs
Turnings - Stumps
Turnings - Side Stretchers
Side Stretchers
Turnings - Center Stretchers
Center Stretchers
Turnings - Back Posts
Back Posts
Turnings - Spindles
Hard Maple Turning Blanks
Product Description
These are KD hard maple turning blanks bought from a mill that makes them from the butt ends of logs that are too short to be sold as nominal lumber. They are not riven but are just as straight as blanks sawn with the grain on a bandsaw mill or baseball bat rejects. They've already been rounded to a 2" diameter and are ready to be turned saving you time and waste. Sold in three different quantities for either an arm chair, a bow-back, hoop-back, or a fan-back side chair. Each box contains 1 extra blank for practice.

See photos below. If you wish to purchase there's an easy paypal button for each type of chair. If you want any other quantities please use the contact page to send me the details.

Arm Chair Turning Blanks
8pc - 2" x 24"
2pc - 1-1/2" x 18"

Maple Blanks $68.00
Shipping $27.00
Total Cost: $95.00
Fan Back Side Chair Turning Blanks
10pc - 2" x 24"

Maple Blanks $76.00
Shipping $28.50
Total Cost: $104.50
Bow Back or Hoop Back Side Chair Turning Blanks
8pc - 2" x 24"

Maple Blanks $60.00
Shipping $26.00
Total Cost: $89.00